Baptists are known for carrying out the Great Commission – for sending missionaries who go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching new Believers to obey everything commanded by our Savior (Matthew 28:19,20).
Three questions today: DID YOU KNOW that many non-Christian faiths spend lots of money sending missionaries around our world to testify and teach what they believe?
DID YOU KNOW that sharing our Father’s love and salvation with a person of no faith is often less complicated than sharing with someone of a non-Christian faith?
DID YOU KNOW that some Christian missionaries not only focus on sharing our Father’s Good News with followers of other faiths, they also teach Believers about these faiths and how to minister to followers of these faiths? Pray today for those who are our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among followers of faiths which do not offer the assurances of God’s love and salvation that Believers claim!
(Today’s photo is of a city along the Indian Ocean/East African coastline where many, many residents are followers of non-Christian faiths.)
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