November 9, 2011

Shared in late October by IMB missionaries: “First Standard 7 graduation at the Abernathy Baptist English Medium Pre & Primary School (Longido, Tanzania). What a blessing to be part of something someone else had the insight to begin – a school where Maasai children can get a great education while maintaining their culture and heritage. Coworkers started the school in 1999 with the 'chekachea' (nursery school) and they grew from there. All of the standard 7 students passed their government tests with high marks and every one of them are heading to secondary school.” Praise God for how this school is serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among the Maasai of Tanzania. The school’s prayer request: That they continue ‘growing’ and begin their own secondary school offering a quality education with a Christian base in a country where many people need to hear of our Father’s Good News. (For more on formal education in Tanzania, go to: . )

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