November 30, 2011

What do missionaries do? Some take food to people who are hungry both physically and spiritually and dig wells in villages where kids think water comes from the sky or hauled buckets! Others visit prisoners or provide clinics miles and miles from a hospital. Many preach, teach and disciple in homes, churches, Bible Schools and seminaries, entrusting what they know to reliable men and women who will teach and disciple others. Some share their testimonies in cities while others travel to faraway places where there is no word for Jesus in the local language. Some serve by balancing budgets and finances so missionaries will have cars and enough petrol to fuel the vehicle, so they can be our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice by simply driving into an area and smiling and waving at a bunch of kids who love an opportunity to yell, MZUNGU –Swahili for white person! Kids who will hopefully follow the missionary into the local Baptist church where they will learn about our Father!

* * * Another Did you Know? Did you know the Lottie Moon Offering also provides the vehicles and petrol (currently over $5 per gallon in much of East Africa) for IMB missionaries!

November 29, 2011

“4 weeks! YeeHaw! … 3 weeks!! WoooHooo! … 2 weeks!! Yipeeeeee … 4 days!!! Just sayin! ... Only one more day!! today was dorm clean up, hope we pass inspection. can't wait to get home for a long break!” Past communication between a Mom and three Missionary Kids completing their first term at boarding school in another country, followed by comments this last weekend. MK 1: “It feels sooooo good to be home again!” MK 2: “HOME! Can't wait to spend some time with family and friends.” Third MK: No comment, but a photo posted of her at home with a humongous, bright smile! Plus Mom’s comment: “Amazed at the amount of laundry, dirty dishes and JOY with having our 3 teenagers back home.” Pray for joy and strengthening as this family and others serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice enjoy the school break together.

*** Did you know that your gift to Lottie Moon Offering pays school fees for these kids and their travel to school and more importantly, their flights home!

November 28, 2011

Definition of TRANSTION as shared in a recent newsletter from missionaries who have recently moved to East Africa: “It will take some time to feel at home here, but it was great to unpack our suitcases after being ‘homeless’ for weeks … but language study will take us away from our new ‘home’ for a few weeks … East Africans are more conservative and quieter than our former people... But many things are the same. Electricity is very expensive, but more constant... We are learning to drive on the opposite side of the road* …and adjusting to the greater time difference from our kids… 8 hours … when it is morning for the US east coast it will be almost evening for us.” Join this couple in praying that their ‘transition’ will go easy, so they can focus on doing their work in our Father’s Harvest Field.

* Great resource for answering “What Side of the Road do They Drive On” at

** Today’s photo was taken by an MK who lives beside the new family to East Africa. It is a view not seen in many parts of the US, but common in East Africa of an “Inflorescence also known as the banana heart …The banana fruits develop from the banana heart.” (Wikipedia/Banana)

November 27, 2011

The next time you have a ‘wish I had skipped looking in the mirror’ day or face discouragement, disappointment, frustration – use this ‘low point’ as prayer nudge for those serving as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice in East Africa and other parts of our world. Very often the things those on mission with our Father most want to share, they cannot due to security issues, a need for sensitivity, the complexity of the problem, or simply they are hurting too much to share at the moment! Any difficult time you are facing is likely faced also by a missionary somewhere – so double your prayers!
*** SOME SAY that warthogs are proof that our Creator has a sense of humour!

November 26, 2011

Prayer Nudge from a new Journeyman serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice in East Africa: “Tried to explain to friends where I am staying... and ended up saying, ‘Wow, I get to live here.” The downside? I’m racking my brain all day trying to learn Swahili … Today I learned how to say, ‘I don’t like coconuts’ and am now a pro at ‘Sipendi nazi’... But I sounded so stupid today … Translating a sentence from Swahili to English … I was so confused. I started with, ‘Are his cows good?’ then, ‘Aren’t his cows good?’ to ‘Aren’t his cow good?’ Translating ‘isn’t’ in Swahili isn't easy! Thankfully my classmates excused my ridiculous sentence because I am from Kentucky. In Africa they say people like me are from the bush. So I am from the bush of Kentucky!” ADDED NOTE: The Lottie Moon offering also covers language school for missionaries! More on IMB 2-3 Years Service Opportunities at

November 25, 2011

Ever thought about the support budgets required by those serving as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice around our world? In many areas, including East Africa, lots of money must be diverted from funds for evangelism, travel, etc. to cover security measures – barbed wire; secured gates, windows and walls; alarm systems and guards, etc. And often the greater the need for our Father’s Good News in an area, the higher the costs of providing security! So pray today for wisdom as budgets are determined and for those providing the budget – which for IMB missionaries comes from the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Offering. Pray also for peace and safety for God’s workers in need of the security measures!

November 24, 2011

November 24, 2011 - AN UNUSED ingredient in today's Thanksgiving cooking, also a great prayer nudge for those serving among Unreached/ Unengaged People Groups. Pray for these servants as they learn new languages and how/ what/ who their people worship. Pray for them as they learn of their people’s housing, family structure, food, and on and on – otherwise mistakes will be made such as a minor one made by a missionary who decided to make Thanksgiving cupcakes for Missionary Kids in her country. She excitedly bought ‘sprinkles’ at an Indian market in East Africa, only to discover that she had tiny bits of coloured crisp spaghetti. The cupcakes are now topped with icing and NO sprinkles, but the kids will still get the ‘sprinkles’ – gluing these on artwork will keep them busy while their parents are busy learning so they don't make major mistakes that might keep someone from accepting our Father's love and salvation.

November 23, 2011

This unexpected, but welcomed interruption on the way to church last Sunday when East African traffic was especially hazardous is a good intro to another "General Prayer for Missionaries.” As you praise God for those who work diligently at strategizing/ planning/ serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice, pray that we will always be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we react to all the unexpected situations we encounter. Such as the 'chance' meetings with a fellow missionary who needs a bit of encouragement or the young man at the check-out counter who is purchasing the same crime novel you are buying - which leads to an open door to a friendship with a follower of another faith.

November 22, 2011

From co-workers serving among the Tanzania Maasai: “Stayed in the countryside Saturday night so we could go to Olesiti Baptist Church. It rained for 5 hours during the night. This morning a guard asked: 'When are you leaving?' We said: 'Soon.' He said: 'We need to put big rocks in the road. The rain has made it impassable.' An hour later the guards returned and we left with them telling us where to pass and where they had put the rocks. With God's help we drove in 4-wheel-drive, slip sliding the whole way to the top of the hill. Thank God for thoughtful guards who cared for our safety. We were late to church but the people were glad we came. NO picture as I was holding on during the drive or I would have ended up hitting the dashboard. (Photo is of another rainy day in rural East Africa!)
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Thanks to those who support the Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Offering - these gifts pay for the 4-wheel-drive vehicles needed in East Africa, often even in our cities, by those serving as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice!

November 21, 2011

The school year is ending for many kids in East Africa - including these girls who attend a school sponsored by another faith. Praise God today for Christians who never stop studying and learning how to serve as our Father's laborers - Such as East African Believers who learn about other faiths and use what they learn to witness to followers of those faiths - Followers who lack the assurances of our Father's love, joy and peace. Pray especially for protection, boldness and discernment as these laborers in our Father’s Harvest Field serve as His Heart, Hands and Voice.

November 20, 2011

What three Missionary Kids of South Sudan say about themselves: “Our favorite thing to do in Sudan is to play with friends in the nearby villages. We like to tell our friends Bible stories and tell them about Jesus. We also like to swim in the river, when it has water.” Prayer Requests shared by these MKs who are our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice to the the Toposa People Group (800,000 people – less than 2% have responded to the Gospel): “Please continue to pray for God to start a church planting movement among the Toposa people …. Please pray for the Toposa people as they hear the Word of God … Thanks for praying for my family and me.”

November 19, 2011

Nudges to prayer from one who serves as our Father’s Heart, Hands, and Voice among an unreached East African People Group: “1:00 AM here on the Indian Ocean. No power. The hum of fans is replaced with mosquitos buzzing in my ears. Pray for power. Desperate for good night's rest … It’s on … it’s off … it’s on … praying it stays on … Pray God continues to protect us from Malaria. Mosquitos ate me alive while power was off. Got to have those fans!!” DID YOU KNOW that gifts to the Lottie Moon Offering pays for ceiling fans in the tropical homes of your missionaries and the missionaries’ salaries cover the cost of the many extra table fans they rely upon – WHEN the electricity works! Later update from co-worker: "Still no signs of malaria at our house!" (Photo: A critter which often invades coastal homes!)

November 18, 2011

From co-workers on Stateside Assignment (Furlough): “Praise the Lord! Just received an update by email (a tool of those serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice) from our Samburu friend and co-worker. The fact that he has learned to use email is a BIG praise, as are several things he mentioned. They have had rain; they have started 2 new preaching points; 32 new believers have been baptized; and the evangelism team has 6 groups and they are working well. Continue to pray that ALL Samburu can be reached. These workers are being diligent and faithful, but there are still many unreached places and people in the vast Samburu and neighboring areas.” For more, go to:

November 17, 2011

This could be a great illustration for Psalm 23, "The Lord is my shepherd…" BUT the tin (bottom right) is a bit of a slum house roof and the green hill side is deceptive - it is the edge of a mound of acres of trash gathered in Nairobi, the second largest city of East Africa! And based on his manner of dress, the shepherd is likely a refugee who lives in one of the thousands of tin houses in the slum. Refugees can be found in all East African countries – especially from Somalia at the moment due to drought and war. Pray that East African Believers will be our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice as they relate to the refugees in their countries – refugees who are often members of People Groups in need of our Father’s Good News.

November 16, 2011

Nudges to Prayer from one serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice in East Africa: “Glad to be back from Bundibugyo District on the Congo side of the Rwenzori Mountains in western Uganda. The first day was a drive of 11.5 hours … We participated in the first graduation of this Bible School for church leaders … a partnership with Uganda Baptist Seminary … The teachers and principal of the Bundibugyo school are UBS students and graduates.” Bundibugyo, known for cocoa, vanilla propagation and a variety of orchids and has been described by missionaries as “20 miles PAST the Great Commission … Praise God for this sign of the maturing of God’s people and Kingdom.” For more on UBS, go to:

November 15, 2011

East African Journeyman’s reply to a concerned American friend: "Yes it's a sad thing to miss Autumn. My neighbors and I had a Fall party where we lit my candle, wore sweaters in the 80 degree weather, drank hot cocoa, and ate meatloaf and mashed potatoes. I even broke out my stashed American marshmallows ... It was a pretty big deal." Pray for strength, peace and a bit of creativity as those on mission with our Father serve as His Heart, Hands and Voice in places/ situations very different from their past life experiences! PHOTO: Not fall colours, but a beautiful view of colourful African material for sale! For more on the Journeyman program and other opportunities to serve in our Father's Harvest Field, go to

November 14, 2011

Nudges to Prayer from coworkers on Stateside Assignment (Furlough): “Seventy-five people had gathered … to hear what God is doing among the Swahili people. Small groups had prayed for our 12 new believers … for their protection, courage, and spiritual growth ... a beautiful sight. As people slowly filed out ... Several people moved forward … some for a more private conversation. Tears filled their eyes as they mustered the courage to utter—for the first time—the words, “I think God may be calling me to missions.” It’s an honor and privilege to see … God calling out ‘more workers for his fields’ (Luke 10:2). It’s encouraging to be reminded that this is His work... that we are not in this alone, and to journey alongside others who are willing to go. Please pray for these to whom God is speaking.”

November 13, 2011

An MK – not an 'international' one, but a 'home' Missionary Kid whose parents serve as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice in their own country, Kenya. His parents are currently in transition - after planting churches in central Kenya, they realized that those they had trained and discipled were ready to become the leaders. So just as they will do one day with this little one, they are stepping back and allowing their 'children' to mature as they continue encouraging and strengthening the ones they have 'raised' and trained! Pray for guidance for this little one's parents as they do what missionaries must often do - turn over the work to others and move on to new work in our Father's Harvest Field.

November 12, 2011

Another mound of trash beside the road - that's what the missionaries on a tour of Baptist work in Nairobi thought they were seeing while passing through a slum area known for housing the trash dump for their East African city of 4 million people. But drawing closer, we realized we were viewing a 'jumble sale' - the good stuff gleaned from the trash which might be sold to the slum residents for a shilling or two! Join me in praying to day that as we serve as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice we will find the needed balance – to not be overwhelmed by all we encounter, yet always have hearts that can be broken enough to spur us to minister as our Father’s hands and voice!

November 11, 2011

A missionary doctor shares a very special way that others are serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice with the aid of a projector, an X-acto knife, stencils, pencils and paints: “My wife and two young women are in the process of painting murals for the walls of the kids’ ward as well as painting Scripture in strategic places at the hospital based on photos of animal pics that our daughter did several years ago for an HIV/AIDS clinic in another part of East Africa.” Pray that the artwork and verses – Zaburi/Psalm 46:1 in adult ward and “Mungu akatazama vyote alivyoumba na tazama ilikuwa vizuri sana” (Mwanzo/ Genesis 1:31) for the kids – will accomplish the doctor’s goal of “Bringing true healing to Western Tanzania.”

November 10, 2011

Life Preserver: What your gift to Lottie might purchase! Members of the IMB “Fishers of men” team share: “It is good fun serving our God in East Africa. God has been faithful in providing for the ministry on the islands. We are following-up on those who accepted Christ during our recent mobile medical clinic … thirty new Believers are being discipled and a few have learned enough Bible verses to receive their own Lugunda Bible.” Pray for this team as they seek to be our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among the people of the Islands of Uganda. Pray especially that they will grow in their ability to communicate the Gospel in Luganda. (To hear a bit of the NT or see a bit of the JESUS FILM in Luganda go to: and click one of the symbols beside the word, GANDA)

November 9, 2011

Shared in late October by IMB missionaries: “First Standard 7 graduation at the Abernathy Baptist English Medium Pre & Primary School (Longido, Tanzania). What a blessing to be part of something someone else had the insight to begin – a school where Maasai children can get a great education while maintaining their culture and heritage. Coworkers started the school in 1999 with the 'chekachea' (nursery school) and they grew from there. All of the standard 7 students passed their government tests with high marks and every one of them are heading to secondary school.” Praise God for how this school is serving as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among the Maasai of Tanzania. The school’s prayer request: That they continue ‘growing’ and begin their own secondary school offering a quality education with a Christian base in a country where many people need to hear of our Father’s Good News. (For more on formal education in Tanzania, go to: . )

November 8, 2011

A mission team in northern Uganda recently sat for “language proficiency evaluations” – BUT before they could be tested, they had to find someone to teach them Lugbara, the heart language of their People Group – THEN they had to train evaluators to determine if they were truly learning! On a scale of Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior and Distinguished (each with low, medium and high ratings) their goal is “Advance Low which indicates we can do most job related tasks like teaching, praying, and leading discussion groups in Lugbara.” Praise God that all team members are learning as you pray for continued learning as all have not met their goal as they seek to serve as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among a People Group in need of His Good News. (To hear a bit from the LUGBARA New Testament, click the speaker symbol beside the word ‘Lugbara” at

November 7, 2011

Prayer Nudge shared last week by an IMB missionary serving among East African People Groups:“Pray for our crew who just left the house, hauling 30 male pigs to the village as part of the ag project - will be a very loooong day for them.” Posted later that day: “Successful pig delivery today...and some very happy folks.” Praise God for how squealing pigs and other creative ministries can provide His children opportunities to serve as His Heart, Hands and Voice among People Groups in need of His Good News.

November 6, 2011

From a young couple serving in East Africa: “We’re moving … and we are excited … God has graciously opened doors for ministry at a university. My hubby will teach a few classes – an awesome opportunity for access to many students and the chance to build relationships … He is already preaching on the campus … Me and our little one stroll around the campus a lot and she is such a magnet! People love to talk to her and hold her and she always responds with the biggest smiles. She has opened lots of doors for us and has helped us build relationships with so many people.” Join this family in praying for wisdom as they seek God’s direction for serving among students as His Heart, Hands and Voice. (Photo is of the little 'magnet' trying to watch her Daddy preach on campus.)

November 5, 2011

“But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength; yes, I shall joyfully sing of thy lovingkindness in the morning. For Thou hast been my stronghold, and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praise to Thee.” Two missionaries are singing Psalm 59:16-17 today! After weeks of delays and frustrations, their work permits has been approved for their new place of service in East Africa. Now their household/personal items can be shipped to their new country AND more importantly they can focus totally and legally on acting as our Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice among East African people groups who have not yet heard of our Father’s Good News.

November 4, 2011

Did you know that in countries where international missionaries serve there is usually a host of persons from that country who support and encourage them? A prayer retreat was held yesterday for the East African staff of a guest house for missionaries. Pray that lessons and challenges gleaned during this prayer retreat will strengthen and encourage these men and women as they seek to serve as our Father’s heart, hands and voices ministering to your ‘professional’ missionaries! (Photo is of one of the many restful scenes viewed as the group walked through a garden during a private prayer time.)

November 3, 2011

Thousands of East African Muslims have traveled to Saudi Arabia this week to be among the 1.7+ million guests taking part in Hajj 2011. Wikipedia* describes this annual celebration as "the largest pilgrimage in the world… a religious duty that must be carried out at least once … by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so." As these men and women seek to obey God, would you serve as your Father’s Heart, Hands and Voice by praying that they will find the full forgiveness of their sins that they desire. Pray also that they will come to know the true way to the peace and joy they seek. *

November 2, 2011

Through the end of the year, Prayer Nudges will focus on how those on mission with our Father in East Africa are serving as His Heart, His Hands and His Voice. Most of these nudges will be clear and explicit, but occasionally the facts will be vague and 'unfocused' like the kids in this photo. So today I ask that you pray for strength, encouragement and wisdom for Believers who are unable to openly share their prayer praises and needs as they minister in areas/ situations where it is risky if not unlawful to openly serve as our Father’s ambassadors.

November 1, 2011

Last week five men met with two missionaries in a rural East African church for Bible School. The one room building was their class room, dining room, and their bedroom - mattresses atop pews make great beds! Their assignment: Before next month’s class, the students are to begin evangelism schools in their churches. They are to go and make disciples and teach others what they have learned, especially to obey all our Savior’s commands, including their disciples making their own disciples! Pray for these men as they serve as our Father's Heart, Hands and Voice in their communities this month.